New JConcepts Series Friday5: Kyle Layton


We would like to introduce a new feature for the JConcepts Blog, the Friday5!

On any given Friday we will sit down with one of our drivers from our growing race team from around the world to chat with them about how they got into RC & some of their favorite JConcepts products.

Kicking things off for this new feature is West Coast driver, Kyle Layton!

1. When and how did you get started in RC?

I forget the year, but it was about 8 years ago. I had RC cars all my life to play with from radio shack, etc. One day we went to Hobbytown USA and wanted to buy a better car and they sold me a slash where I then began racing at my local track Speedworld Raceway when they had spec slash racing and the rest after that is history and here we are!

2. When you first got into RC racing, what pro driver did you look up to and why? Or maybe there was a local/regional driver that you followed?

I always looked up to the AE team once I got involved with dirt racing. My first actual race vehicle was an SC10, then a b4 and b44 so AE has always been in my stable and I looked up to the pro guys on the team at that time. Always wanted to be a part of it and happy to say I am now!

3. Name a RC class that you would like to see increase in popularity and why? 

I would love to see the box stock class come back some how. Stock racing in my opinion is out of control cost wise. I have friends who have came out to check out racing but when they hear about the price it’s an instant turn off to try it out. Its a lot easier to drop a few hundred dollars on a car and entry level electronics and radio than a thousand+ just for a car. Box stock has been tried before but we need to figure something out I think.


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