Trinity New Release: Customize your X-Factor Spec Motor


New Release !!!! Customize your X-Factor Spec Motor with a Variety of Colored Endplates and Aluminum Screws, We offer the following listed below:

Aluminum Screws 
REV1131- Silver Aluminum 6pcs Screw Kit 
REV1131B- Blue Aluminum 6pcs Screw Kit
REV1131G- Gold Aluminum 6pcs Screw Kit 

Colored Endplates
REV1122- Blue X-Factor Endplate
REV1122G- Gold X-Factor Endplate
REV1122O- Orange X-Factor Endplate
REV1122P- Pink X-Factor Endplate

Please Visit Today and Customize your X-Factor Tomorrow!!

We also want the racers input on future colors you would like to see us come out with for Screws and Endplates. So please drop your comments below and share this post to get everyones thoughts!!



Facebook Live April 1 8am PST with TJ Eller: Team Associated Design Engineer


Adam Drake from Mugen Seiki Racing - Exhaust Pipe Dent Removal